Mental Health

Caregiver self-care: Tips to help address your emotional health

Caregiver self-care: Tips to help address your emotional health Caregiving for a loved one can put a strain on even the most resilient people. Add in the uncertainties of the COVID-19 pandemic and it has the potential to feel challenging. This means that finding ways to thrive and continue to take care of your...

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Coming out of COVID-19: the emotional toll you might not expect

Coming out of COVID-19: the emotional toll you might not expect Living within stay-at-home orders during COVID-19 may have tested your mental and emotional well-being in a new way. There are many different ways to cope with COVID-19 and the impact it can take on one’s emotional health may vary. Recognizing...

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NorthShore Health Centers offers counseling to those feeling impact of COVID-19

NorthShore Health Centers offers counseling to those feeling impact of COVID-19 Everyone can tell a different story about how COVID-19 is impacting their lives. Many fell ill or know someone who did, others lost jobs and are struggling to pay their bills. Many more are simply feeling isolated and even depressed while they do...

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Social Distancing and Loneliness: Help Reap the Benefits of Mindfulness

Social Distancing and Loneliness: Help Reap the Benefits of Mindfulness As we navigate this unprecedented time as a country and across the globe, finding simple and effective ways to ease our minds may make a big difference. Maybe you know someone who takes five minutes each morning to meditate or finds time...

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Porter-Starke Services Receives $3 Million Grant from Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Porter-Starke Services Receives $3 Million Grant from Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Porter-Starke Services was recently awarded a $3 million grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAHMSA) to expand its Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics (CCBHCs). The grant aims to increase access to...

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Porter-Starke still serving clients during stay-at-home order, also offering telemedicine

Porter-Starke still serving clients during stay-at-home order, also offering telemedicine Porter-Starke Services would like to reassure the community that as an essential service, we will remain open during the stay-at-home order issued by Governor Holcomb. Current clients and those interested in services are welcome to schedule an...

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A NorthShore Health Centers Employee Spotlight: Dr. Belal Hegazy

A NorthShore Health Centers Employee Spotlight: Dr. Belal Hegazy In December, NorthShore Health Centers welcomed veteran psychiatrist Belal Hegazy, M.D., onto their staff, enabling the health system to now offer a fully integrated in-house healthcare approach thanks to Hegazy’s expertise in mental health and...

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Something incredible is happening in schools throughout La Porte County, thanks to the Healthcare Foundation of La Porte

Something incredible is happening in schools throughout La Porte County, thanks to the Healthcare Foundation of La Porte The Healthcare Foundation of La Porte Partners in Prevention training event in September 2019 brought 11 schools/school systems together and marked the beginning of a fundamental shift in the way La Porte County approaches substance abuse prevention...

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